Classes | Typedefs
ash::trait Namespace Reference

The namespace for type traits used by the library. More...


struct  unsigned_constant
 Wrapper for an unsigned value. More...
struct  integral_constant
 Wrapper for an integer value. More...
struct  is_integral
 Meta to test for built-in integer types. More...
struct  is_integral< bool >
 Spec for bool. More...
struct  is_integral< char >
 Spec for char (not explicitly signed or unsigned). More...
struct  is_integral< signed char >
 Spec for signed char. More...
struct  is_integral< unsigned char >
 Spec for unsigned char. More...
struct  is_integral< short >
 Spec for short. More...
struct  is_integral< unsigned short >
 Spec for unsigned short. More...
struct  is_integral< int >
 Spec for int. More...
struct  is_integral< unsigned int >
 Spec for unsigned int. More...
struct  is_integral< long >
 Spec for long. More...
struct  is_integral< unsigned long >
 Spec for unsigned long. More...
struct  is_floating_point
 Meta to test for built-in floating-point types. More...
struct  is_floating_point< float >
 Spec for float. More...
struct  is_floating_point< double >
 Spec for double. More...
struct  is_floating_point< long double >
 Spec for long double. More...
struct  is_signed
 Meta to test for signed types. More...
struct  is_signed< T, false, true >
 Spec for floating-point types. More...
struct  is_signed< T, true, false >
 Spec for integral types. More...
struct  is_unsigned
 Meta to test for unsigned types. More...
struct  is_pointer
 Meta to test for pointer types. More...
struct  is_pointer< T * >
 Spec for pointer. More...
struct  is_reference
 Meta to test for reference types. More...
struct  is_reference< T & >
 Spec for reference. More...
struct  is_scalar
 Meta to test for built-in scalar types. More...
struct  is_pod
 Meta to test for built-in POD types. More...
struct  is_pod< const T >
 Spec for const. More...
struct  has_trivial_constructor
 Meta to test for types with trivial constructors. More...
struct  has_trivial_constructor< std::pair< T, U > >
 Spec for std::pair. More...
struct  has_trivial_constructor< A[N]>
 Spec for arrays. More...
struct  has_trivial_constructor< const T >
 Spec for const. More...
struct  has_trivial_copy
 Meta to test for types with trivial copy constructors. More...
struct  has_trivial_copy< std::pair< T, U > >
 Spec for std::pair. More...
struct  has_trivial_copy< A[N]>
 Spec for arrays. More...
struct  has_trivial_copy< const T >
 Spec for const. More...
struct  has_trivial_assign
 Meta to test for types with trivial assignment operators. More...
struct  has_trivial_assign< std::pair< T, U > >
 Spec for std::pair. More...
struct  has_trivial_assign< A[N]>
 Spec for std::pair. More...
struct  has_trivial_destructor
 Meta to test for types with trivial destructors. More...
struct  has_trivial_destructor< std::pair< T, U > >
 Spec for std::pair. More...
struct  has_trivial_destructor< A[N]>
 Spec for arrays. More...
struct  has_trivial_destructor< const T >
 Spec for const. More...
struct  remove_const
 Meta to remove const. More...
struct  remove_const< T const >
 Spec for const. More...
struct  remove_volatile
 Meta to remove volatile. More...
struct  remove_volatile< T volatile >
 Spec for volatile. More...
struct  remove_cv
 Meta to remove const volatile. More...
struct  remove_reference
 Meta to remove reference. More...
struct  remove_reference< T & >
 Spec for reference. More...
struct  remove_pointer
 Meta to remove pointer. More...
struct  remove_pointer< T * >
 Spec for pointer. More...
struct  remove_pointer< T *const >
 Spec for const pointer. More...
struct  remove_pointer< T *volatile >
 Spec for volatile pointer. More...
struct  remove_pointer< T *const volatile >
 Spec for const volatile pointer. More...
struct  trivial
 Meta to do nothing. More...
struct  trivial< T * >
 Spec for pointer. More...
struct  trivial< T & >
 Spec for reference. More...
struct  add_const
 Meta to add const. More...
struct  add_const< T * >
 Spec for pointer. More...
struct  add_const< T & >
 Spec for reference. More...
struct  is_same
 Meta to test if 2 types are the same. More...
struct  is_same< T, T >
 Spec for the same. More...
struct  is_convertible
 Meta to test if a type is convertible to another type. More...


typedef integral_constant
< bool, true > 
 Wrapped true value.
typedef integral_constant
< bool, false > 
 Wrapped false value.

Detailed Description

The namespace for type traits used by the library.

You need not fully scope the namespace, eg

 using namespace ash::trait; 



The base namespace uses it, so

 using namespace ash; 



is sufficient.

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