Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container > Struct Template Reference

2D const iterator used by sparse_table. More...

#include <ash/sparse_table.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef two_d_iterator< Container > iterator
typedef const_two_d_iterator const_iterator
typedef Container::const_iterator row_iterator
typedef Container::value_type _tmp_vt
 Apparently some versions of VC++ have trouble with two ::'s in a typename.
Iterator Traits
typedef _tmp_vt::value_type value_type
typedef _tmp_vt::difference_type difference_type
typedef _tmp_vt::const_reference reference
typedef _tmp_vt::const_pointer pointer

Public Member Functions

void advance_past_end ()

We use the default copy constructor.

We use the default destructor.

 const_two_d_iterator ()
 Default constructor.
 const_two_d_iterator (row_iterator begin, row_iterator end, row_iterator curr)
 "Real" constructor.
 const_two_d_iterator (row_iterator begin, row_iterator end, row_iterator curr, col_iterator col)
 Constructor for starting at an arbitrary column.
 const_two_d_iterator (iterator const &itr)
 Conversion constructor from an iterator.
Dereference Operators
reference operator* () const
pointer operator-> () const
Arithmetic Operators
const_iteratoroperator++ ()
const_iterator operator++ (int)
const_iteratoroperator-- ()
const_iterator operator-- (int)
Comparison Operators

We define != because std::rel_ops won't convert an iterator.

bool operator== (const const_iterator &itr) const
 Equality operator.
bool operator!= (const const_iterator &itr) const
 Inequality operator.

Public Attributes

row_iterator row_begin
row_iterator row_end
row_iterator row_current
col_iterator col_current

Detailed Description

template<class Container>
struct ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >

2D const iterator used by sparse_table.

2D iterator used by sparse_table.

Template Parameters:
ContainerThe container type we iterate through.

This is a 2D iterator. You specify a begin and end over a list of containers. We iterate over each container by iterating over it. It's actually simple:

 VECTOR.begin() VECTOR[0].begin()  --------> VECTOR[0].end() ---,
     |          ________________________________________________/
     |          \_> VECTOR[1].begin()  -------->  VECTOR[1].end() -,
     |          ___________________________________________________/
     v          \_> ......
It's impossible to do random access on one of these things in constant time, so it's just a bidirectional iterator.Unfortunately, because we need to use this for a non-empty iterator, we use nonempty_begin() and nonempty_end() instead of begin() and end() (though only going across, not down).

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class Container >
typedef Container::value_type ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::_tmp_vt

Apparently some versions of VC++ have trouble with two ::'s in a typename.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Container >
ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::const_two_d_iterator ( ) [inline]

Default constructor.

template<class Container >
ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::const_two_d_iterator ( row_iterator  begin,
row_iterator  end,
row_iterator  curr 
) [inline]

"Real" constructor.

beginThe beginning of the range of rows.
endThe end of the range of rows.
currThe current row.
We always iterate over each row completely.
template<class Container >
ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::const_two_d_iterator ( row_iterator  begin,
row_iterator  end,
row_iterator  curr,
col_iterator  col 
) [inline]

Constructor for starting at an arbitrary column.

beginThe beginning of the range of rows.
endThe end of the range of rows.
currThe current row.
colThe current column.
Identical to "real" constructor except for column specification.
template<class Container >
ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::const_two_d_iterator ( iterator const &  itr) [inline]

Conversion constructor from an iterator.

itrThe iterator to convert.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Container >
bool ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator!= ( const const_iterator itr) const [inline]

Inequality operator.

template<class Container >
const_iterator& ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator++ ( ) [inline]


template<class Container >
const_iterator ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator++ ( int  ) [inline]


template<class Container >
const_iterator& ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator-- ( ) [inline]


template<class Container >
const_iterator ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator-- ( int  ) [inline]


template<class Container >
bool ash::const_two_d_iterator< Container >::operator== ( const const_iterator itr) const [inline]

Equality operator.

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