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concept::tr1::unordered_associative_container Struct Reference

TR1 Unordered Associative Container concept. More...

#include <dox/tag/concept/tr1/unordered_assoc_container.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for concept::tr1::unordered_associative_container:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef stl::hash_function hasher
 The functor type used to hash keys.
typedef stl::binary_predicate key_equal
 The functor used to compare keys for equality.
typedef stl::forward_iterator local_iterator
 The type used to iterate through a set of elements that share a hash code.
typedef stl::forward_iterator const_local_iterator
 The const type used to iterate through a set of elements that share a hash code.
typedef allocator allocator_type
 The allocator used for memory management.
typedef arbitrary key_type
 The type used to identify elements.
Basic Types
typedef assignable value_type
 The type of the object the container holds.
typedef value_typepointer
 The type that serves as a pointer to value_type.
typedef value_typereference
 The type that serves as a reference to value_type.
typedef value_type const * const_pointer
 The type that serves as a const pointer to value_type.
typedef value_type const & const_reference
 The type that serves as a pointer to value_type.
typedef size_t size_type
 The unsigned type used to represent the size of the container.
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
 The signed integral type used to represent the distance between iterators.
Iterator Types
typedef input_iterator iterator
 The type used to iterate through the contents of the container.
typedef input_iterator const_iterator
 The const type used to iterate through the contents of the container.
Iterator Types
typedef forward_iterator iterator
 The type used to iterate through the contents of the container.
typedef forward_iterator const_iterator
 The const type used to iterate through the contents of the container.

Public Member Functions

hasher hash_function () const
 Get the hash functor used by the container.
key_equal key_eq () const
 Get the key comparison functor used by the container.
iterator insert (iterator hint, const_reference obj)
 Insert semantics for std::insert_iterator.
const_iterator insert (const_iterator hint, const_reference obj)
 Insert semantics for std::insert_iterator.
iterator insert (iterator f, iterator l)
const_iterator insert (const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
size_type erase (key_type const &key)
 Erase all elements associated with key.
iterator erase (iterator itr)
 Erase the element pointed to by @ itr.
const_iterator erase (const_iterator itr)
 Erase the element pointed to by @ itr.
iterator erase (iterator f, iterator l)
 Erase a range of elements.
const_iterator erase (const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
 Erase a range of elements.
void clear ()
 Erase all elements.
iterator find (key_type const &key)
 Find an element.
const_iterator find (key_type const &key) const
 Find an element.
std::pair< iterator, iteratorequal_range (key_type const &key)
 Find all elements matching a given key.
std::pair< const_iterator,
equal_range (key_type const &key) const
 Find all elements matching a given key.
size_type bucket_count () const
size_type max_bucket_count () const
size_type bucket (key_type const &key) const
size_type bucket_size (size_type i) const
local_iterator begin (size_type i)
const_local_iterator begin (size_type i) const
local_iterator end (size_type i)
const_local_iterator end (size_type i)
float load_factor () const
float max_load_factor () const
void max_load_factor (float new_grow)
size_type count (key_type const &key) const
 Count the number of elements with a given key.
void swap (container &c)
 Swap method.
Iterator Methods
iterator begin ()
 Get an iterator to the beginning.
const_iterator begin () const
 Get an iterator to the beginning.
iterator end ()
 Get an iterator to the end.
const_iterator end () const
 Get an iterator to the end.
Size Methods
size_type size () const
 Get the size of the container.
size_type max_size () const
 Get the maximum size of the container.
bool empty () const
 Check if the container is empty.
Comparison Methods
bool operator== (equality_comparable const &e)
 Equality operator.
Comparison Methods
bool operator< (less_than_comparable const &l)
 Less-than operator.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

void swap (assignable &a1, assignable &a2)
 Global swap.

Detailed Description

TR1 Unordered Associative Container concept.

Comparison operators are not required to be valid. "Keys with the same hash code are in the same bucket."

"Rehashing invalidates iterators, changes ordering between elements, and changes which buckets elements appear in, but does not invalidate pointers or references to elements."

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef allocator concept::tr1::container::allocator_type [inherited]

The allocator used for memory management.

typedef input_iterator concept::stl::container::const_iterator [inherited]

The const type used to iterate through the contents of the container.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::list, concept::stl::reversible_container, concept::stl::forward_container, concept::stl::sorted_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_list.

typedef forward_iterator concept::stl::forward_container::const_iterator [inherited]

The const type used to iterate through the contents of the container.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::container.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::list, concept::stl::reversible_container, concept::stl::sorted_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_list.

The const type used to iterate through a set of elements that share a hash code.

The type that serves as a const pointer to value_type.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::pair_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

The type that serves as a pointer to value_type.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::pair_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

typedef ptrdiff_t concept::stl::container::difference_type [inherited]

The signed integral type used to represent the distance between iterators.

The functor type used to hash keys.

typedef input_iterator concept::stl::container::iterator [inherited]
typedef forward_iterator concept::stl::forward_container::iterator [inherited]

The functor used to compare keys for equality.

typedef arbitrary concept::stl::associative_container::key_type [inherited]

The type used to identify elements.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::simple_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

The type used to iterate through a set of elements that share a hash code.

The type that serves as a pointer to value_type.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::pair_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

The type that serves as a reference to value_type.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::pair_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

typedef size_t concept::stl::container::size_type [inherited]

The unsigned type used to represent the size of the container.

Reimplemented in concept::ash::hash_matrix.

The type of the object the container holds.

Must be Assignable .

Reimplemented in concept::stl::pair_associative_container, and concept::ash::hash_matrix.

Member Function Documentation

Get an iterator to the beginning.

An iterator to the beginning of the container.

Get an iterator to the beginning.

A const_iterator to the beginning of the container.

Erase all elements.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Count the number of elements with a given key.

keyThe key to search for.
The number of elements matching key.

Reimplemented in concept::stl::unique_associative_container.

bool concept::stl::container::empty ( ) const [inherited]

Check if the container is empty.

True if the container is empty.

Get an iterator to the end.

An iterator to the end of the container.

Get an iterator to the end.

A const_iterator to the end of the container.

Find all elements matching a given key.

keyThe key to search for.
A pair of iterators for the range of elements [first,second).

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Find all elements matching a given key.

keyThe key to search for.
A pair of const_iterators for the range of elements [first,second).

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Erase all elements associated with key.

keyThe key to match.
The number of elements erased.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Erase the element pointed to by @ itr.

itrAn iterator to the element to erase.
An iterator to the element after the erased element.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Erase the element pointed to by @ itr.

itrA const_iterator to the element to erase.
A const_iterator to the element after the erased element.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Erase a range of elements.

fThe beginning of the range.
lThe end of the range.
An iterator to the element after the erased range.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Erase a range of elements.

fThe beginning of the range.
lThe end of the range.
A const_iterator to the element after the erased range.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Find an element.

keyThe key of the element to search for.
An iterator to the element, or to the end() if not found.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Find an element.

keyThe key of the element to search for.
A const_iterator to the element, or to the end() if not found.

Reimplemented from concept::stl::associative_container.

Get the hash functor used by the container.

A copy of the container's hasher object.

Insert semantics for std::insert_iterator.

hintA hint for the location to insert obj.
objThe object to insert.

Insert semantics for std::insert_iterator.

hintA hint for the location to insert obj.
objThe object to insert.

Get the key comparison functor used by the container.

A copy of the container's key_equal object.

Get the maximum size of the container.

The maximum number of elements the container can hold.
bool concept::stl::less_than_comparable::operator< ( less_than_comparable const &  l) [inherited]

Less-than operator.

bool concept::stl::equality_comparable::operator== ( equality_comparable const &  e) [inherited]

Equality operator.

Get the size of the container.

The number of elements in the container.
void concept::stl::container::swap ( container c) [inherited]

Swap method.

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